Sunday, 17 September 2023

A Wedding Poem

Written for Eoin and Rebecca on the occasion of their wedding celebration in Tuscany, Italy. 

12th September 2023

Tying the Knot


In the time before the mountains she walked barefoot to the place

where one stream crossed another or a well was sunk in grace.

In the time before the mountains he would wait for her there

and someone drew a circle that would encompass the pair.

In the time before the mountains they would step into the space

and, arms extended, clasp hands and declare their embrace.

In the time before the mountains it would happen on a day

deemed gravid with occasion, like Beltane or Lughnasadh.

In the time before the mountains a braided ribbon would extend

from his hand to hers, wrist to wrist, end to end.

Hand fasting is what they called it, tying the knot we say today

from that time before the mountains on this most auspicious day.

 Copyright Cathy Leonard All rights reserved


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