Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Does she mind him being at home all day?


Does she mind him being home all day?



He hasn’t deleted all of her from the den…yet.

Her stained glass mosaic of a woman holding the moon still leans against the window, her purple skirt caught in the throes of flamenco.


But her Michelin France Eyewitness Top Ten Collection, Berlitz Budapest and Pocket Malta have been removed from the corner book shelf and Dervla Murphy’s On a Shoestring in Coory and Muddling through Madagascar are precariously wedged between his Manual of Chess Victory and The Secret of Tactical Chess. Hopefully Dervla’s survival instincts will prevail.


The roll top of the desk beneath the book shelf no longer flutters and clicks, expanding and contracting like an accordion. He prefers it left open.


On the filing cabinet a stapler, a paper puncher and a calculator have supplanted her tin box collection, Farrah’s Original Harrogate,Valroble Extra Virgin, that used to waft out the aroma of nougat and olives and travel.


Her postcards of El Cordobes, bicycles arched over the Herengracht, laundry strung from balconies on a Venetian canal, posted to herself from European mini-breaks, no longer bolster the second hand filing cabinet’s gable wall- stripped back now to scratched metal and adhesive strips.


And the sky behind the mosaic woman-moon is cracked. The type of slit that could slice the top off unsuspecting flesh, and it’s a question of how long… before he decides that a brazen woman is the last thing he needs in his retirement.


Does she mind him being home all day?

Copyright 2017 Cathy Leonard

Thursday, 30 January 2025

St Brigid's Day- February 1st


St Brigid's Day in Ireland is considered to be the first day of Spring....well maybe....

Since we were given a Bank holiday to celebrate, the country has risen to the occasion and festivals are sprouting up everywhere. Traditionally the only way I ever celebrated was to gather reeds and make Brigid's Crosses, see poem below. 

The Cross is meant to protect against fire in the home and every year we burnt last year's cross and made a new one. We kept it simple. 

But I learn now that, in Kerry, villages are awash with biddies wearing white outfits and sporting elaborate straw hats. They rove in droves from house to house singing and dancing into the wee small hours over a period of four nights. I had no idea that we were missing out....

St Brigid's Day in Ireland

At Imbolg


Stooped to the rhythm of sickle

we gathered rushes from the bog

or ,with our hands, pulled stems

that raised wheals and reddened palms.

We lay them in piles and folded

and turned and turned and folded

until we made a centre that would hold.


Not knowing then that she was daughter of Dagda

Celtic goddess, crone turned maiden each Spring.

That we were cutting deeper than bog

i mbolg, at imbolg.

Copyright  Cathy Leonard 2016

Friday, 17 January 2025

Signs of Spring

January Ease

Now that the Christmas rush is over
I have time to construct a rib where before 
a stocking or garter would suffice
and at this January pace watch 
blue tits flitting off twitching stems of Martin's Spurge
note shoots even now breaking through compost
admire flames of  dogwood in the flower bed 
where Winter Daphne presides 
and even raise a brow at our one eyed kitty
who has already this week caught two mice
and an unfortunate house sparrow.

I think this sock will be some time in the making.

Copyright Cathy Leonard 2025