Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Dialogue in Flash fiction

The Fallout

Clara picks up the long stemmed wine glass and frowns, “Did you wash this?”
“What does it look like,” he says waving the chopping knife in her direction.
“You need to use the glass linen tea towel to polish them properly.”
“Jesus! It’s not a Michelin Star restaurant. Your standards lately are a bit….”
“Can you point that elsewhere?” she says, deflecting the knife towards the chopping board.
“High- All those late night business dinners in the city.” He packs a salad lunch into a plastic container.
“It’s work for Christ’s sake. Somebody has to pay the mortgage.” Clara smacks her lips as she reapplies her lipstick.
“I’m a writer and - ”
“Listen, I have work.” She studies her reflection in the hall mirror as she makes for the door.
“Trying to impress somebody? - Don’t forget your rabbit food, Ma’am.”
“Put the glasses in the damn dishwasher or lay off the wine. It’s midweek for Christ’s sake.” She shoves the box into her bag and turns on her heel again.
“They’re Galway Crystal.”
“Which reminds me, I have an away trip to Galway, end of the month. Pencil that in your diary.”
“Are you saying I’m an alcoholic?” Behind her back he picks up the wine bottle and necks back the last dregs.
“It’s to do with the Wugi takeover.” Her hand is on the latch.
“So the HR head and the IT geek have to trip off together once a month to seal the deal?” He’s waving the empty bottle in her direction.
“Bin the booze, Ivan and go out and get a real job.” Clara wheels around to face him.
“And you’re shagging a goddamn IT geek.”
“The IT geek is a woman. Put that in your novel!”
“I have.”

Copyright wit Cathy Leonard 2019

Saturday, 11 May 2019

The Punter

Week 7- Dialogue
Create a dialogue from a crisis. Husband crashes car and has to tell his wife.

The Fallout

“People over seventy shouldn’t be allowed on the roads!”
“Missed the first race again?”
“Had a great tip for the two-thirty.”
“A few grand would come in handy for the patio. No luck at Punchestown?”
“No…. Do faulty break lights constitute contributory negligence?”
“Our breaklights are fine. I checked them the other day.”
“The OAP’s.”
“Did somebody have an accident?”
“I don’t think he indicated either- he’ll probably claim whiplash- fifteen grand a pop.”
“They’re reviewing those outrageous whiplash payouts.”
“Third party or comprehensive? Which do we have? Either will cover it, I suppose.”
“Cover what?”
“I tipped into the back of an OAP on the Naas dual carriageway. The eejit had a green light and didn’t move. Missed the two thirty at Punchestown.”
“Jesus, Mike!”
“But Ruby won the Gold Cup, his last race. Can you believe it? The man’s a legend! What a way to retire. You have to hand it to him.”
“How much damage? Was it an old banger? Did he complain about his neck?”
“A 191 Volvo- wish I was on the pension.”
“But you only tipped him, right?”
“It’s a brand new Volvo. A tip is priceless.”
“And his neck? Is that speculation or…”
“He took himself off to A & E, just to be sure. At his age he probably needs a neck brace anyway. I’m sorry, love. It wasn’t entirely my fault and…”
“We don’t have comprehensive.”
“Our damage is minor.”
“Or third party.”
“Is there another type of insurance?”
“No. It was due last week, and so was the deposit for the new patio, so I decided to take a punt.”

Copyright with Cathy Leonard 2019