It was Ready Brek or a tin of Ambrosia Creamed Rice
Beans on toast or Campbell's Scotch Broth-
Daily fare for a student of the Nineteenth Century English Novel
I must have felt like Oliver, slopping that gruel down my throat,
though not asking for more, all the while
berated by Joseph's finger pointing,
"Sit ye down and think o' yer sowl!"*
spurred only by the prospect of a romp
on the moors with himself
or an invite to a Bath ball
and the prospect of a Boulangere**
with a landed gent of considerable means.
And though I now eat my five a day
and supplement with Seven Seas
I'd go back anytime to that bowl of gruel
and my first encounter with Romance...
* Wuthering Heights
** The only dance actually mentioned in Jane Austen's novels. See video clip below
Copyright 2023 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved
So that movie had a positive outcome after all!