The perennial source of inspiration for poetry has to be love.
- Lost love
- Unrequited love
- Requited love
- Platonic love.....
The perennial source of inspiration for poetry has to be love.
This morning before breakfast it was all action here...Our one-eyed Kitty arriving in with some poor unfortunate in his gob. I think he was considering swallowing it rather than delivering it up, but was cajoled into releasing what turned out to be a tiny bird by the tap of a spoon on a tuna tin.
This is probably bad parenting on my part and indicative of how I reared my two children, rewarding wayward behaviour, enabling is a popular term for it, but honestly I could think of no other way of getting that bird out from between his jaws...
Anyway here's a little rhyming poem about cats and all that jazz....
Despite his one impediment
he always hits his mark,
his focus ever hell bent
on hunting in the dark.
This time it was a baby bird
what breed I could not tell,
but to its doom the bird was lured
and it did not do well.
I'm only thankful for one thing
in this tragic little tale
that birdy could no longer sing
or to its brethren hail.
For I can think of nothing worse
than trying to revive
a creature that has felt cat's curse
and still be half alive.
The moral of this story is
if cats you must abide
then cast a blind eye to their strikes
and keep them on your side.
A little reflection....
She is for sure a task mistress,
and for her I set my alarm
because she likes a ramble
at some crepuscular hour.
But one round of the park navigated,
and no stray intruders to report,
she comes to a halt at Ed's corner
and insists on the homeward route.
After breakfast her task not completed,
not happy with life until
I am sat behind my computer
a whole day's drill to fulfil....
Who'd be without a dog?!
I don't do regret much but sometimes it catches up ...
Morning Walk
She likes to lag behind
sniffing the unsavoury
and then makes a dash to catch up
pretending she's still a young thing
though she missed that magpie
within tail-swipe distance.
I'm lagging myself these days
behind my younger self.
I see her up ahead outstripping
both of us- her head a saturated solution:
things she said and shouldn't have
things she should have and didn't.
No space for wonders like
starling murmurations
or meteoroids crashing,
Halley's comet could pass her by.
If she'd only looked up
things would probably
have turned out much the same
but she might have seen a thing or two.
Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All right reserved.
I love the beautiful old doors you see on mainland Europe so I was drawn to Lisa Tivey's photography. Here is a poem prompted by one of her photographs of an old door in
I thought about the crosses that were once drawn on the doors of plague victims in Italy and the poem evolved from there.
The plague was initialled believed to be a sign of god's wrath.
Lisa Tivey
Using the above link you can easily pick out the door featured in the poem.
Plague Door
The plague is not fussy, just hungry.
And this door never did recover from its daubed
red cross, its pile of bodies, black ulcerated, buboes
the size of an apple. Punishment meted out
by heavenly bodies, atonement for our
inequities, the wrath of God against which
no appeal prevailed.
Centuries later it comes back.
No paint to daub on paint peeled door.
Just nails and planks of wood and
ghosts quarantined now, as they were
then, when no-one would trade or breathe
contaminated air or share their
misfortune. And then for bedevilment
some flippant boy, some modern day town watchman,
a pot of errant paint in hand, daubs willy-nilly,
stigma, that proclaims you dead.
And a writing exercise.
Take a familiar object
Write down everything you associate with it
Colour, texture, smell, touch...
And Hey Presto- A Poem.
Here's my effort:
You are sandpaper to the touch
and smell of sissal
Your fibres cut like paper cuts
and leave bare feet scoured
You are pocked and cratered
from use and abuse
You witness comings and goings
and hesitations on thresholds
You could tell a story or two
if you had a mind to
You endure hot coals and cat claws
You are the one who puts up with
The one who endures...
You are a door-mat
Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved
it's balmy out, coming from Spain apparently,
so I throw caution to the balm and step out in shorts,
as if I've just disembarked a Boeing 777 Malaga bound,
the balm releasing snapshots of Summers past
in single shot sequence, mostly Iberian
in mouth watering Castilian syllables
with a hint of coconut scented suntan lotion
factor zero (we liked to suffer
like the souls in Purgatory
for our sin-tans in those days)
but according to some social media spoiler
the balm is ephemeral so expect fresh wind,
(don't you just love that word)
and rain, for the rest of the weekend
maybe even for the rest of the Summer...
Copyright Cathy Leonard 2022 All rights reserved
This is a painting of Helen's Bar after the Rain, Tuosist, County Kerry by Claire Bunbury.
It's a great spot for fish and chips and a pint overlooking Kilmackillogue Harbour. Here's a little poem prompted by the painting...
Whitewash cool under fingertip
the taste of chalk on tongue
oscillating wave upon wave
squawk, grunt, wail of gull
and the sea air briny and warm-
Helen's Bar after the Rain.
Copyright Cathy Leonard 2022
I'm sure I am not the only one to have t-towels hanging around for purposes other than use...
Well hopefully not...
Hands Off
You daren't use the t-towels in our house
at least not the ones within elbow reach of the dishes.
They're here to inspire:
A bistro table in Paris circa 1976,
The pages of Good Housekeeping
and culinary aspirations,
Crystal wine glasses to be polished,
Dutch tiles to be displayed,
and Molly Somerville's botanical art...
Broken pottery shards, each one a story:
domestic carelessness or abuse,
the stern or aft of a boat foundering,
figures stranded,
insects dissected,
bird wings shorn,
memories truncated...
In her mind's eye
she makes things whole again.
So hands off t-towels in our house.
You can use these ones!!
Copyright Cathy Leonard 2022
If you're writing a poem
that 's going nowhere,
bin it
and go make a cup of tea.
So says Billy Collins,
and he's a poet laureate.
Billy calls them guests
to be uninvited to the party.
But standing in the kitchen doing just that,
and on the look out
for the winged muse or even baby mouse,
in this case trying to scale the garden wall,
it would be good if you didn't have to step
over the dog to find a pen and paper,
if your empathy for your target
didn't get the better of you
sending you out with trowel and brush
to airlift the mouse to safety,
looking over your shoulder all the while
for danger in the shape of your one-eyed Tom,
if all this effort didn't demand
more tea and perhaps even toast,
if literary poems these days
didn't read
like cryptic crossword clues-
the type you never could decipher,
and if you could solve the last clue
in yesterday's Simplex-
deceptive manoeuvres,
second letter e, fourth letter n,
given that you've been engaging
in exactly those to snatch a poem.
Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved
I always find artwork inspiring so here's a little poem inspired by Nicola Slattery's painting.
Let me tell you about
my daughter.
Let me tell you about my daughter-
she has her head in the clouds
and dreams of fish that fly
and clouds that can bear the weight of her
and golden dresses strewn with leaves of filigree silver.
My daughter defies the laws of gravity-
she turns my life upside-down
and seeing things from her topside-up perspective,
I begin to wonder -
where have I been all my life?
Based on a painting by Nicola Slattery-
The blackbird's
yellow beak is rearranging
the contours of my back-lawn
scavenging for worms, gathering moss
preparing for Spring and a new cycle.
I do not yearn for nest-making
but long instead to shed
to stand- still
and let- fall.
I have gathered too many twigs
and spider-webs and caterpillar-silks
I have lined my nest
with too many feathers.
Let the cuckoo do what he does best
and usurp my leaf-woven-haven
And let me, thus emptied, soar
wing-span sky-spread.
Copyright with Cathy Leonard 2018
After I
jumped out of that Mini-Cooper I headed straight for the forest. I’d never seen
anything like it, grasses and wildflowers so high I could skulk around in the
undergrowth for hours without being spotted, but after a while the belly rumble
got the better of me and I went in search of fodder.
with one eye I’m an ace fly catcher, so I swatted and batted my way
through the species for a couple of days, slugs and snails
providing a tasty alternative and very ooh là là . Stream water was much
nicer than tap but my belly soon began to long for something that was not a
pancrustacean hexapod invertebrate, aka insect or a Mollusk aka snail. A
rooster crowing drew me to a hen coop where a dozen or so hens clucked and
strutted their stuff while the two roosters, big fellows with red crests,
fought and crowed over their respective territories. It wasn’t long before I
discovered a few abandoned eggs, my favourite fare.
always loved it when Mum took out the baking bowl and cracked an egg or two on
the side of it , keeping aside a sup for me.... Mum… I did miss her. All her daft
cooing and singing and endless worrying about lonesome little me, and I did
miss swiping at Red’s long hair and standing on Longfellow’s tall, broad
shoulders. I even missed Grump tipping me gingerly off his favourite chair in
front of the tele, and for a tear jerk moment I was sentimentally distracted and
didn’t notice the fox eyeing up a hen from the other side of the coop.
brazen fellow was about to take the leap when I set up such a din that a wiry
little woman came flying out of the nearby cottage waving a broomstick and
flapping her pinny, chasing Mr Fox, at least for now, down the boreen.
“What a
clever fellow you are, and only one eye!” she cackled. “Perhaps you’d like to
join our little ménage?”
Now I was well versed in Grimm Fairytales
and recognised that there was a fine line between a rustic matron and a witch
but I decided to keep my options open and my eye alert and so
I became the latest addition to a menagerie of twenty hens, two roosters,
four donkeys, three dogs and four cats, including myself.
But I’d
been an only cat and it’s hard to beat that. The attention. The treats. And
those rooster crowings, despite the text book assertions that they usually
occurred at dawn and dusk, punctuated my every escapade. So despite the decent
grub, and with just a tad of regret, I took myself off in the
direction of the nearby Boy Scout Camp, for with my one eye on an opt-out
clause, I’d been doing reconnaissance missions in the area and had discovered
the Summer training camp and realised that they had no mascot and no pets. So I
was off again in search of Facebook fame and maybe even a Badger Badge.
I need to get a photo
of that new giant red poppy
before the wind does a job on it,
like it did to the team mate
subjected to jab, hook and cross
and uppercut throws:
its mouth mangled
its petalled symmetry shred
its posture upended
tossed, beaten and mauled-
until it really did look, even to me,
like Plath's little bloody skirts.
Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved
It's that time of year for Arum lilies. And another sad poem I'm must be the rain...
Missing You
Your shoes still hold the shape of you.
I find them where you left them
to dry, perhaps, one behind the other
on the doorstep. Left foot forward,
slightly hen-toed. As if you are walking
a tight rope, which you were,
though we didn’t know it.
They look poised to step over
whatever obstacle is in your way.
They look practiced, ragged, war-torn.
Nike - you must have bought them in a sale,
as you’d never pay the price for brand-names.
They’re not your style, or colour, but surely your size?
though you’ve been known to buy bigger
at the right price. You even bought odd sizes once
in a bargain-basement. “Scrooge!” we called you.
But you were never stingy with your heart.
Emptying out your account for those who deserved
and those who aspired
and those who just happened to be there.
I will leave the shoes, just- so.
Primed and poised on some imminent adventure
Waiting for your say-so
Waiting for you
Childhood friends to whom you were tied at the hip cast a long spell. Here is a little poem for one of those.
For you
She'd always say,"Me and her,"
chin up, shoulders back,
and the tale that followed
featured bold imagination
and great daring-hers not mine.
The last time I saw her
sitting in a wheelchair
at her own mother's funeral
she was regaling an audience
with a tale about homework-
mine, not hers, but copied by her.
"They gave me an F and her an A,"
she complained with a chuckle.
"Just goes to show," she added.
She'd had good innings, "No regrets,"
hers not her mother's-
she told me that day.
"But do you remember the time...?"
I didn't.
She never forgot.
She'd have made a great chronicler
if she hadn't been so busy
living her life....
In joyous memory of Ethna
Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved
It's a great place to do it undercover
beneath the canopy of a beech tree
in full wing span- late Spring or early Summer.
Be sure to pick a rainy day,
or at least within an hour of post shower,
with the leaves still dripping on your shoulder-
And listen to the raindrops crackling through branches
like exploding stars
or the shake of a thurible anointing.
Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved
On the way out
sometimes her shadow outstretches mine
across the playing fields, sun at our backs
and I wonder who will go first?
For we're both getting to that age
when such matters count-
my threescore years and ten
and her seventy dog years,
peers at last.
And on the way back
following her lead or she following mine
I wonder how I've got to this age
without knowing the difference
between ground elder and hog weed
along with a lot of other herbaceous trivia?
Perhaps it's only the old and the very young
who have the time to wonder and ponder or both
and I'm not three score years and ten just yet...
Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved
My daughter sent me a beautiful poem called The Facts of Life by Padraig O'Tuama which I thought about sharing on the blog. Then decided to reblog about my current favourite poet Billy Collins but low and behold when I went looking for Billy who turned up with him but Padraig!! Serendipity. So you can have both today...And a picture of a gorgeous poppy that has just wakened up in my garden after the night's rain....
Am reposting this one from way back for the fun of it...
Inspired by Nessa O'Mahony's "First Love" and Keats' "La Belle Dame sans Merci."
Friday is my day to trawl through likely poetry outlets so here is one below that I came across. Looks promising.
Tried to write a poem about the transformation of our woods after the rain but it's snagging... so maybe another day.....
Meanwhile sharing a few pics of Beara where I spent a few days as evidenced by my earlier poems this week. I'm more of a stroller than a hill walker so even though I bought the book I was a bit daunted by the Beara Way and those stiles that seem to point to sheer precipitous slopes and so I opted for the odd meander up a cow track instead.
Beara is less popular than the Ring Of Kerry which is just as well as the roads are serpentine: hairpin bends, tight corners, single carriageway in places, the most interesting places of course.
The highlight of my rural sojourn was an evening with the Crafty women of Beara who meet up once a month for a knitting get together in the local community centre and I came away with a bag of alpaca wool. Mia keeps a herd, organises treks with the alpacas and also gives classes in machine knitting so more to follow up on there....
It's the gravitas of the man that draws me in
forging iron into grace, shouldering his skills to the task,
firing metal soft enough to craft,
hammering with precision,
drawing it out, bending it in,
like Vulcan in his volcano,
delving into fire and then water:
the clink, the bellow-blow, the hiss
- and then, the Rose
Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved
I am knitting these peacock socks for you
in the cradle of the Beara Reeks
weaving into them the rain off the Atlantic
and the scent of honeysuckle off the hedgerows
while I yarn about babies born elsewhere
and blankets destined to find them
and talk of a herd of alpacas
brought here for their fleece
their long necks straining for home
and hoping as I knit and purl this Beara blend
to mend your broken heart
Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved