Thursday 24 March 2022

Poetry Prompts

 Today I wanted to offer some poetry prompts. The suggestions I found were based on important events: births, surprises, disappointments. But they prompted me in the direction of short story. And I realise that objects tend to focus me more intensely on feeling, especially objects that I have kept for a long time. So here's a poem prompted by my father's cardigan.He would have been 101 tomorrow 25th March.

Not his chair in the pic- but the salvage one from Mick and Pat- see blog on Salvage Furniture

My Father’s Cardigan


It’s a Kerry Classic, eighty-five percent lambs' wool, the rest silk.

The colour of moss and black bog and autumn fern, with scatterings

Of Montbretia and fuchsia red, Kerry boreens in summer

Its Leather button chestnuts peeling, bearing crosses like soda bread.


After you died I wore it like a talisman or draped it over your chair.

I wore the cuffs to shreds, and lacking your tailor-tact I rough-stitched

Them together with moss green thread, unevenly, not as you would have done;

But wearing it brings you back two decades on.

Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved


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