Tuesday 29 March 2022

Mr Middleton's Tulips

With the recent spell of warm weather I have, like many around me, been dragging out and dusting off the summer clothes and even shopping for , dare I say it, shorts and t-shirts. But of course  this behaviour is precocious and unwarranted and despite the radiance of those Mr Middleton Tulips I planted in Autumn Joanne Donnelly and Met Eireann are now forecasting our usual portion of overcast, fresh wind and gloom.

 So here's a little poem I wrote, maybe last year or the year before, probably at this time of year. 


 Last week temperatures soared unseasonably.

But we knew you weren’t gone

in a dragon puff of smoke.

We knew you’d be back

Wreaking your monstrous ire.

Your tail toppling bins, roofs, trees,

Dropping leaves like scales,

Scattering dismembered branches.

Your breath freezing footpaths

Threatening elbows and ankles,

Beheading precocious green shoots

that dare to think….Spring???


Copyright 2022 Cathy Leonard All rights reserved


1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, it's a different tulip from the one I saw earlier.
